Something special right before the birth of our second baby 'right
place, right time'. Imagine a concert only transmitted to 80 wireless
headphones. no p.a., so no sound in the room but the noise you make,
when you sing or play e-guitar, e-drums. all this was made possible
by our mad cover photographer oliver
hangl, also called mother of invention.
getting down to the underground
of vienna based wirr ... |
...mika plays ... |
... for an audience who doesn't
even dare to breath ... |
... cause there's no need to,
while lea is breathing ... |
...and rainer binder krieglstein
is playing... |
... not to forget shaking simon
nola & dancing matthiaskertal ... |
photo nr1 by katinka polmanova, the rest by oliver hangl
there's a nice review by pamela russmann (in german)